It grows in multi-stemmed clumps with glossy, palmate leaves. Soyez le premier à laisser un avis sur ce produit ! Taille adulte (H x L): 20m . Huihsien, Kansu, China. The chapel of the Belgian Roman Catholic Mission, with tall Chinese fan palms. Lire la description détaillée.
CHAMAEROPS excelsa = TRACHYCARPUS fortunei. Sie bevorzugt einen sonnigen . In summer, they will flower green if female or yellow if. Default sorting, Popularity, Sort by latest, Low to high, High to . Originating from Central China, Camaerops excelsa is an interesting and exciting palm. Tuincentrum Maréchal! The investigation of the structure revealed putative functional homodimer.
Palmier à tronc unique, parfois multiple, à bouquet de feuilles formant un éventail. Rhapis excelsa (Thunb.) Henry. We use cookies to collect and analyse information on site performance and usage, to improve your browsing experience and show personalised content. Find the perfect chamaerops excelsa stock photo. No need to register . Add a one-line explanation . Cham_excelsa nature.

Cuadrado NH(1), Zhadan GG, Roig MG, Shnyrov VL. No description defined. Giardino e giardinaggio. Great prices on your favourite Gardening brands, and free delivery on eligible orders. Palmier connu aussi sous le nom de Trachycarpus fortunei.
Floraison en panicules de couleur jaune . Available in sizes. Can anyone tell me about this palm please, would this be hardy in Wiltshire? Type de produit plante méditerrannéenne. Nom commun palmier chanvre ou palmier de Chine.

International shipping of rare and exotic plant seeds. Explore chamaerops Excelsa stock photos. Download royalty-free images, illustrations, vectors, clip art, and video for your creative projects on Adobe Stock.
I cookie ci aiutano a fornire i nostri servizi. Produzione e vendita piante da . TRACHYCARPUS FORTUNEI is our hardiest palm, tolerant down to -degrees C, according to .